Wow, not even a week of blogging and I'm already running out of ideas. No, just kidding, I just thought that today, I'll throw in a little something about myself so you actually know the guy sacrificing his sleep to promote the Olympic Values ;) Don't worry, I don't want to give you a blow-by-blow account of what I've done in life from the day I was born until today. Over the next couple of month, I'll rather pick out a couple of episodes I think were important on my way or that at least I find entertaining to remember. For a start, I feel obliged to write about the topic that probably had the biggest impact anything ever had on me in my life: Playing (team) handball.
Handball, or team handball as it is called in the United States, is a sport mainly played in Europe. It consists of six players on the field and one goal keeper. Apart from that, each team has another 7 players and up to 4 officials on the bench. Substitution is like in basketball, i.e. unlimited and substituted players can re-join the game. When describing the sport, I usually draw comparisons to other sports: The underlying principle is, like in soccer/football, to score a goal. However, as the name indicates, we take the ball in our hands like basketball players, only that the ball is small enough to be held comfortably in your hand. And unlike basketball, the physical contact is more intense (Not as bad as rugby, however sometimes things can get really messy). I found this nice video, uploaded by Manchester Handball Club to give you a little illustration.
I was introduced to handball at the age of 7 by my dad, who was a former Austrian national team left wing. He was also

Until I reached the age of 18, my teams won several youth championships with on

Playing first league was an experience I don't want to miss in a thousand years, although the credit side remained rather empty: I hardly ever played on the first team and in the whole season, I scored two goals (A good player has an average of ~7 goals...per match!). Still, in this one season, I really learned what it means to work hard for a goal and constantly push yourself to keep going. Usually, I would have classes all day and at 5pm take a two hours train ride to practice, work my bottom off for 2 hours and go 2 hours back, where my homework was comfortably waiting for me. So after a year of this, I hope you get how happy I was the day I scored my first, and only, two goals in the first league.
After that season, I ended my career. Not because it was too tough, but rather because I had to decide between

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