After some digression in my recent blog entries, I'd today like to talk about a - in my book - very cool initiative to promote the Games in Singapore and thus the YOG as a whole. It is called Million Deeds Challenge and can be described as a virtual torch run to bring the Olympic Flame from Olympia in Greece all the way to Singapore - a distance of 9,236 km as Google maps just told me. So if you are currently sitting in Olympia, you might as well get started now.
As the name ind

Participating in the Million Deeds Challenge is dead easy. You just need an acco

At the moment, a total of 53,000 deeds have been posted, so we'll need another 947,000 to get the Flame to Singapore in time. Right now, it's stuck somewhere between Iceland and Great Britain, waiting to continue its journey to the rest of the world. So please people: It's easy, it's fun and it's most definitely a good cause, so just join in and post your deeds on the Million Deeds Challenge's website. I'll set a good example and will from now on post one good deed a day (Being a former boy scout, this should be a piece of cake!). Ok, now I am off to do the dishes...I need some material to get me started after all.

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