Hey folks!
Coincidence is a funny little thing since it's uncontrollable, yet usually leads to really cool stuff. Yesterday, I wrote about "I can" - the power of belief and that you can reach everything you want to. I also mentioned the examples of Michael Phelps and Thomas Geierspichler as an example for the countless great role models that are out there. Funny enough, I very closely experienced an example of what you can actually do when you just believe in yourself. I'm afraid it can't live up to Michael or Thomas in terms of excellence and impact, however, I promise you that it's a story you probably haven't heard yet. And although it just sounds stupid and hilarious, I think that there are some true thoughts attached to it.
After finishing my blog yesterday night, I went out - a thing that became rather rare in recent times. Since I got today off, I stayed out a little longer and had a fabulous time. The only problem was that my shoes are a little to big and I started getting blisters from them (Yes ladies, men also have such problems. At least I do ;)). It was 3AM, I was in good spirits and I actually didn't want to go home yet...so I just took them off and continued dancing. That went on for another hour or so before it really was time to kick it and go home.
Ever since I retired as an active athlete, I kinda feel uneasy if I don't get enough exercise. Yesterday night must have been a particular strong night, because even after hours of dancing and jumping around, I still felt the need to move my feet a bit. Of course, I couldn't put my shoes back on, because then my feet would hurt even more. So I started to walk down the deserted street, without my shoes, and just waited for things to change. Of course they didn't, so I started to think: "How far can I go without my shoes on, before my feet hurt too badly and I have to give up?" It was just a silly little bet with myself, however, I was really curious how much will power I could bring up at 4AM.
I don't want to pose as a tragic hero (After all it was my stupid idea), but believe me when I say: The walk was unpleasant! It was cold, I was tired and the concrete and the gravel weren't too comfortable a ground to walk on. Yet I kept going. And going. And going. To cut a long walk short: I ended up going the entire distance, a total of 5km, from the club to my home. Barefoot at 4 AM. Of course I could have taken a cab and just take the easy way. But I had asked myself the question: "How long until you give up". And that was enough motivation to keep me going, since giving up just sounds like an insult to me.
Of course this story is somewhere between utterly and completely stupid and in case you haven't guessed yet: The reason I was walking was that I definitely was not allowed to drive a car anymore (nuff said).
However, I'd like to make the point that it still shows something. It shows that if you refuse to give up and just keep on going, you will finally succeed and reach your goal (in my case my bed and some rest for my feet). And if you continue the dedication you show in small things in life (i.e. bets with yourself) in every other domain, you will eventually succeed with bigger tasks than walking home barefoot at 4AM.
An Image Header Post
8 years ago
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