Yesterday, I wrote an entry about the diverse professional and educational backgrounds the Young Ambassadors have. What I didn't elaborate on too much was the immense pressure this puts on every single one of us. Just take this blog as an example: Sometimes, I have this great idea, a topic dealing with Olympism I'd love to write about (In case you haven't noted: 99% of all stories in this blog actually deal with the Olympic spirit). And then this: My dear colleague Erin Kennedy, marathon hero, inspiration for millions, whose masters degree makes me jealous everytime anew, just sits down and posts another amazing article on her blog! Just like that! Sometimes, life is just not fair (At this point, you can imagine the big irony sign accompanying these lines slowly fading out)
So in her blog entry, Erin was talking about falling in love every time anew with her amazing job working for an American sports governing body. At the end, she sets the stage for us to pick up her inspiring thoughts:
"As I have done before in my posts, I'd like to pose a challenge to everyone. Look at your own life - your job, your sport, your family, your life - why do you do it? What makes it all worth it? What makes you fall in love all over again, day after day?"

When coming back from the United States last September, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to get involved with handball again. I didn't have anything to do with the sport in two years and didn't have the feeling something was missing. Anyhow, I still got in touch with my old team and started helping them out with some stuff, e.g. as an assistant coach.

And this made me realize something: I might not be involved with handball constantly. I might not be working with my current club for all my life. I might not be playing the game anymore. I might won't have the time for handball once I got a full-time job. However, what I know for sure is that every time I go somewhere near a court, my pulse will accelerate and passion will get the best of me. Because all that matters is that special fire inside and that you just keep it burning...
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