Saturday, October 15, 2011
Young Ambassador Seminar Innsbruck
As outlined in the last blog entry, I wrote an article for the new Young Ambassador section of the Innsbruck 2012 homepage. The sub-page - which looks absolutely stunning - is now online, so make sure to check it out!
For your convenience, I took the liberty of re-posting the article her. You can of course also find it on said sub-page or by clicking here.
"For the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games, 33 Young Ambassadors from around the globe have been selected to help the athletes participating in the Games discover and live the Olympic Values Excellence, Respect and Friendship. These Ambassadors were invited to Innsbruck at the start of September to take part in a training seminar including workshops, discussions, team-building activities and plenty more besides. Indeed, if there was one thing that was missing during the Young Ambassador Seminar it was the chance to sleep!
As well as spreading the spirit of the Youth Olympic Games, the Young Ambassadors’ main task is to prepare their athletes for the Innsbruck 2012 Culture & Education Programme (CEP). During the Seminar, the 33 youngsters got an exclusive preview of the Culture & Education Programme and had the chance to try out some of the CEP activities which will be on offer during the Games in January 2012. However, the journey to Innsbruck alone proved a true odyssey for some of the Young Ambassadors. For example, Sarah from New Zealand needed no fewer than five flights and 21 hours to get from the tip of the Southern Hemisphere to the regional capital of Tyrol. And with Ambassadors representing everywhere from Australia to Chile and Canada to Japan in attendance, she certainly wasn’t the only one who had jetted half way around the world to be in Innsbruck for the Young Ambassador Seminar.
After such long, arduous journeys, the official Welcome Dinner – complete with accordion player and dancers performing the traditional Austrian ‘Schuhplattler’ dance – was the perfect chance for the Young Ambassadors to shake off any remaining jet-lag and immerse themselves in Tyrolean culture. Just as during the Seminar itself, the guests at the Welcome Dinner were encouraged to get involved at every opportunity – not least on the dance floor! After seeing their moves, we reckon that Lea from Slovenia and Aliona from Lithuania must have Tyrolean roots – after all, how else could they have learned all the right dance steps so quickly? Straight after the Welcome Dinner the group headed out for the first ‘venue tour’ of the weekend – an expedition into Innsbruck’s nightlife via the city’s main bars. Suffice to say, much fun was had by all! ☺
Bright and early next morning the Ambassadors gathered to try out the different CEP activities for themselves. As well as finding out more about the activities in order to be able to support the
athletes in January 2012, they were also encouraged to make suggestions about how the individual seminars and workshops could be improved between now and Games-time. From getting down to the beat together in the Drumming Workshop to exploring the mountains of the Nordkette under a cloudless sky, all of the activities were characterised by fun, laughter and a real sense of team spirit, marking the start of many friendships.
However, the aim of the Seminar was not only to give the Young Ambassadors the chance to try out the CEP. Another important aspect was to learn more about the Young Ambassadors’ role in general and their mission for the Youth Olympic Games in Innsbruck. On hand to provide an overview of the Young Ambassador Programme was none other than IOC Executive Director Gilbert Felli, the man responsible for the organisation of all Olympic Games. “Singapore blazed the trail for the Youth Olympic Games,” Felli told the Young Ambassadors. “Now it is down to us to take the next steps along this trail.” To help them with their task during the Games, the IOC brought along a few surprises, including a cool outfit, useful accessories and the latest technological gizmos.
The Young Ambassador Seminar was over far too quickly, and despite only having met four days
earlier, there were many heavy hearts among the participants when the time came to say good-bye. However, it won’t be long until the Young Ambassadors are back together in Innsbruck for the Games, and in the meantime they will be working hard in their home countries to promote the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games. Innsbruck 2012 – Be part of it!"
Friday, October 7, 2011
Innsbruck calling
Hey folks,
First and foremost, sorry for neglecting this blog for so long (People that have followed it since Singapore will know that this introduction will become quite frequent with me ;)). Last week(s) have been quite busy, so I was forced to step down from the blog writing a bit. I hope I can update it more frequently in the upcoming weeks.
Speaking of which: We are in the double-digit zone!! Only 98 more days to go until the first Innsbruck 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games (try saying that 3 times fast) will be opened.
Anni from IYOGOC has asked me to write a report on the Young Ambassador seminar taking place in Innsbruck in early September. I was of course more than happy to comply. However, after writing the text, I felt that it much rather belongs on this personal blog than the official games website. So I wrote another one much more suited to be published on the Innsbruck 2012 site. Since I did not want to have written the other article in vain, I just put it online here for yours to enjoy :)
„Anyone who goes travelling has stories to tell “ If those travels lead said anyone to the Olympic city of Innsbruck to attend a Young Ambassador program, it will be hard to tell all the stories needing to be told. Let's try it anyway.
For me, going to Innsbruck was linked to a problem everyone would love to have. After having been honored with representing Austria at the inaugural Youth Olympic Games in Singapore, I honestly did not know what to expect from the anew Young Ambassador seminar. Singapore has hands down been one of the best times in my life. What, if the games in Innsbruck could not live up to the ones in Singapore? What, if the new ambassadors won't be as much inspiration and fun as the "old" ones? I have to admit: I have been way too wrong. That's quite a nuisance, being given the fact that I should know by now that spending time with the Young Ambassador always is a tremendous experience.So what is this Young Ambassador seminar all about? Basically, it is about two aspects. First, to introduce the 33 Young Ambassadors from all over the world - from Australia to Chile, from Canada to Japan and everywhere in between - to the Culture and Education program (CEP). Because one of the YA's main tasks is going to be promoting the CEP to their qualified athletes.
Back to the workshops and seminars: Those are a part of the CEP and were put through their paces by the Young Ambassadors. The feedback on all activities was very positive - all of them were planned and executed with a whole lot of dedication and motivation. At this point, I should definitely give a shout-out to Verena and Anni, not only for putting the CEP together, but also for taking splendid care of us during our time in Innsbruck.
One of the questions people asked me the most in Innsbruck was to what extent the Young Ambassadors of the Innsbruck Games compare to those of the Singapore Games. Unfortunately, this is a question I can not answer, since it is impossible for me to compare all the great people I met in both Innsbruck and Singapore. The question I could easily have answered, would go something like this: Do the Innsbruck Young Ambassadors have the same staggering energy? Oh yeah! And the travel continues...
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Culture and Education Program - Competence Program

As I mentioned back then, the ARM is part of another CEP activity, which I would like to outline for you today: The Youth Olympic Competence Program.
The Youth Olympic Competence Program will arguably be the CEP's key element. Because the athletes that are going to compete in Innsbruck 2012, will most likely be the athletes competing in 2014, 2018 and so on. So the least we can do is give them today the knowledge they need to have successful and fulfilling careers in sports. After all, it's not only about making them win plenty of medals, but also making them enjoy their lives as athletes and being happy what they are doing.
So long,
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Tag des Sports
Today I went to the "Tag des Sports", which translates to "Day of Sports". It is an event taking place in Vienna, celebrating and presenting the myriad of different sports organizations and federations in Austria. Originally, I thought I could not go there, because I had a course at university (my last one ever, yay!). However, we finished a little earlier, so off I went to the Heldenplatz in the heart of Vienna.

Second, when the MC was reading out their achievements, you could see that they have been quite busy since Singapore: Martina won two medals at the European and the World Junior Wrestling Championships, Viki and Lara crowned themselves European and World Champions respectively, Kira qualified for the European Junior Athletics Championships and so on. Of course, there are many factors contributing to those guys being so awesome in what they are doing. However, I have a strong feeling that the YOG 2010 play(ed) quite a considerable role in their development as well.
I have a very strong feeling that I will hear from all of them again pretty soon :)
So long,
All pictures © Innsbruck 2012
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The Athlete Role Model Program
Don't let the headline confuse you - today's entry is another edition of the Cultured and Education Program series. However, since the Athlete Role Model (ARM) program is such a key element in the CEP, I'll dedicate an exclusive entry to the ARM. Technically, it belongs to the Youth Olympic Competence Project, which I will write about in one of the entries to come.
So in Innsbruck, the Athlete Role Models will have their own stand where athletes can go and meet them. Like most of the CEP activities, this stand will be located at the Congress Innsbruck. However, being former athletes, they are not stationary: Vincent told me that they will of course also join in at the various CEP activities or go to the venues. Thus, it will become much easier for athletes to contact the role models and look for advice with challenges they might face. Furthermore, we have talked of maybe letting the Young Ambassadors know beforehand where to find the athlete role models, so we can give our delegation a heads up. I really hope we can put that on track.
The list of ARM really features a lot of well-known Olympians from the past. I just can't wait to take my delegation to meet them!
Nordic Combined: Samppa Lajunen (2x Olympian, 5x medalist)
Cross Country: Petra Majdič (3x Olympian, 1x medalist, source of great inspiration)
Alpine Skiing: Marco Büchel (6x (!) Olympian)
Freestyle Skiing: Shannon Bahrke Happe (3x Olympian, 2x medalist)
Snowboarding: Nicola Thost (2x Olympian, 1x medalist)
Ski Jump: Andreas Küttel (3x Olympian)
Biathlon: Vincent Defrasne (3x Olympian, 3x medalist)
Ice Hockey: Jennifer Botterill (4x Olympian, 4x medalist)
Skeleton: Kerstin Szymkowiak (1x Olympian, 1x medalist)
Luge: Alexander Resch (3x Olympian, 2x medalist)
Figure Skating: Stéphane Lambiel (3x Olympian, 1x medalist)
Speed Skating: Jeremy Wotherspoon (4x Olympian, 1x medalist)
Curling: Eve Muirhead (1x Olympian) and Uli Kapp (2x Olympian)
I am sure the ARM will be an amazing experience for the athletes coming to Innsbruck. I will definitely encourage my athletes to go see their role models and ask them all the questions they want to have answered.
So long,
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Culture and Education Program - World Mile

At those booths, the students will present a variety of topics, ranging from geographic facts over the climate to local customs and traditions. Those students are incredibly creative when it comes to designing their World Mile booths For instance, the guys in Singapore have prepared a life-sized Hermann Maier cut-out where you could take pictures of yourself as the "Herminator".
The next update might take a couple of days since I have some stuff to do at university (last class EVER :). Until then, take good care of yourselves and see you soon.
So long,
"Herminator" pic © Sean Lee
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Culture and Education Program - Media Lab

When I was a kid, my
Apart from the improved media skills, the project will also be loads of fun. Being an avid photographer myself, I just love the creative outlet my camera gives me. Who knows - maybe the YOG Olympians will discover a new hobby and also become great photographers! The content they will produce will be shared on the various media channels, adding the participant's very own YOG perspective. Being taught how to express themselves via photography, filming or web editing, they can share their personal stories during games time.
Another very important part of the media lab is Social Media Awareness. Personally, I am a huge fan of nifty networks like Facebook or Flickr, because they provide excellent tools for me to stay in touch with my friends (By now the guys are really scattered to the four winds). However, there is one very important aspect people do not always bear in mind: Whatever you put online, stays online! We all know the situation: You had a bad competition, you come home, you are tired and moody and you write a status update like "Today just sucked. The referee was bad and the team was letting me down." True, it might have some cathartic effect on your inner balance (Well, most likely not...). But do you really want to tell to the world how much you despise the referee for making a bad call or how lousy you think one of your team mates is doing? Believe me: You do not!
So with the Social Media Awareness "campaign", athletes can learn the sensitivity needed to deal with such issues. Because everybody enjoys updates from their friends or athletes they admire. On the other hand though, there is plenty of stuff that you do not want to put online. Because you never know how things that go around will eventually come around!
So much for the Media Lab. If you have any more questions regarding the program, feel free to use the comment function below.
So long,
Pictures 1 and 2 © Innsbruck 2012
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Culture and Education Program - Overview
Let's start first things first by letting me give you a short introduction what the Youth Olympic Games' Culture and Education Program (CEP) is all about. After all, the Young Ambassador Program was designed to promote the CEP to all the athletes participating in the YOG.
During the inaugural YOG in Singapore, the phrase "Giving the champions of tomorrow the skills they need today" was coined. This gives you, in a nutshell, a pretty good idea of what the CEP is all about. Let's just put it this way: Even as a young athlete, you most likely know how to speed down a hill on a pair of skis (Ok, I guess there might be more to skiing than just that. Anyway, you get my point!). However, there might be other things you don't know that well: What kind of food should you eat? How do you combine you sporting career with your schooling? How do you speak in front of a camera without sounding like an utter jerk (if you find that one out, please give me a call!!)? And maybe most importantly: What kind of advice can people that already know what it feels like to make it as an athlete give to you ?
Concerning the speeding down the mountain part, athletes are usually covered pretty well. They got their coaches to teach them the right technique, their physios to keep them fit and some even have the luxury of a psychologist to keep them focused. But what about the questions mentioned above? For all these, the CEP comes into play. The Innsbruck 2012 CEP consists of 6 different activities, covering a total of 5 subjects: Olympism, Well-Being and healthy lifestyle, Skills Development, Expression and Social Responsibility. In those 7 activities, athletes will have opportunity to find answers to all those questions stated above.
All those things are taught via workshops, discussions, interactive lectures and plenty of hands-on activities. No worries, I will put online a detailed description of all the different things to do in Innsbruck at a later date. For the time being, I just want to give you a brief outlook: There are going to be "Chat with Champions" sessions, were athletes can meet Olympians and ask them all the things they want to know. One environmental awareness activity is going to take place on top of the "Nordkette", where the guys can learn more about how to protect the alpine climate. And one of my favourite sessions is definitely going to be the cooking workshop, where athletes can learn how to cook delicious and healthy meals appropriate for their respective sport. Oh yeah, let's not forget the dancing workshop, where the guys can just have a splendid time! Rumor has it that the workshop is going to be led by Mr. Sascha from Russia himself ;)
As you can see, there will be plenty of things going on besides the sporting events. Of course, athletes have limited time at their hand, so they won't be able to attend all the CEP activities there are. However, if they just check out one or two of them, they will already have learnt something that will come in handily in their future career. Besides, I promise that they will have a real blast doing so. But more on that on a later date.
So long,
Monday, September 12, 2011
R.I.P, Локомотив Яросла́вль
Originally, I wanted to write about the Youth Olympic Games' Culture and Education Program (CEP) today. However, there are some events in life so tragic that things that seem important at first just don't matter any more. The terrible plane crash of the Yaroslavl ice hockey team is one of them.
Like people all around the world, I was shocked and devastated by the dreadful images. Today I have learned that one of the 44 people killed in the plane crash was our fellow Young Ambassador Olga Salei's uncle. The scope of this tragic event - an entire sports team killed on their way to their opening match - is just too horrifying to be put into words. When realizing that all those people where not only great athletes, but also loving husbands, fathers, sons and relatives, it becomes even more impossible to understand.
My condolences and deepest sympathies go out to all people that have lost loved ones in this tragic incident. I am not sure if anything we say or do can make a difference to those people in such an hour of grief. I just hope that, by standing together, sport fans from all over the world can honor the memory of Lokomotive Yaroslavl and discover that, not only in light of such tragedies, supposedly important things like a game's outcome just don't matter any longer.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday Night Lights
No worries, I have not gone bananas (well, maybe I have...but in any case, that could hardly be called a recent development) - I know that it is actually Saturday today. The reason I picked today's headline - as popular culture geeks will certainly know - is the novel/movie/TV series going by the same name. Basically, all three of them are about high school football somewhere in Texas, where it's all about those shiny lights on a Friday night.
Today, my team will start yet another team handball season. First game of the season is always exciting, since everybody is motivated and ready to go. I just hope that all the hard training we put in (although I was sidelined due to injury for a crucial period of time) will pay off today. So wherever you are guys, please keep your fingers crossed for us.
So long,
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Young Ambassador 2.0
Pictures: © Innsbruck 2012, all rights reserved. Click on the pictures for further information!